Ashari Tribal

Current status:
Intelligence grade:
Lifespan ( Sols ):
Northern Pescara

Ashoqa Tribes
First discovered:
9th era
The Ashari are a tribal Anarkian race whose ancient roots are deeply intertwined with the rugged landscapes of the Northern Pescara territory. From the dawn of their civilization, they have thrived in the harsh wilderness, forging a culture that celebrates strength, resilience, and kinship with the land.
Physically robust and agile, the Ashari are adapted to endure the challenges of their rugged environment. Their bodies are thick-skinned and designed in a way that allows them to face and survive the harsh landscape of Northern Pescara.
Their keen senses and acute awareness of their surroundings make them formidable hunters and trackers, capable of navigating the dense forests and treacherous terrain of Northern Pescara with ease. Their skin is tough and resistant to the elements, providing protection against the harsh winds and biting cold of their homeland.
The Ashari society is organized around tight-knit tribal communities, each governed by a council of elders who possess wisdom accumulated over generations. They place great value on traditions, rituals, and oral histories, which serve as the foundation of their cultural identity and collective memory. Ashari Shaman are revered the most by the tribe and are adorned with intricate patterns, jewellery and markings, which serve both decorative and communicative purposes, conveying messages of status, lineage, and identity within their tribal society.
Central to Ashari culture is the concept of honour, which dictates their code of conduct and shapes their interactions with both kin and rival tribes. They hold in high esteem those who demonstrate bravery, loyalty, and resilience in the face of adversity, venerating heroes and champions who have distinguished themselves in battle or through acts of selflessness.
Despite their warrior ethos, the Ashari are also skilled artisans and craftsmen, crafting intricate tools, weapons, and ornaments using materials sourced from their natural surroundings. Their craftsmanship reflects a deep reverence for the land and its resources, as well as an intuitive understanding of the balance between creation and destruction inherent in their way of life.
For generations, the Ashari have clashed with their bitter rivals, the Ashoqa tribe, over control of the Northern Pescara territory. The land, rich in resources and strategic significance, has been the focal point of countless skirmishes and territorial disputes between the two tribes.
Driven by ancient feuds and territorial ambitions, these conflicts have shaped the history and identity of both tribes, fuelling cycles of vengeance and retribution that have persisted for many eras. The Ashari, fiercely protective of their ancestral lands, have repelled numerous incursions and attempts at conquest by the Ashoqa, cementing their reputation as formidable warriors and defenders of their homeland.
In a decisive conflict that came to be known as the Great Expulsion, the Ashari emerged victorious, driving the Ashoqa tribe from the Northern Pescara territory and asserting their dominance over the region once and for all. The aftermath of this conflict marked a turning point in Ashari history, solidifying their control over their ancestral lands and ushering in a period of relative stability and prosperity. The Ashoqa were forced further south and have taken up habitation of areas in and around Lifa Nekata.
In the wake of the Great Expulsion, the Ashari have endeavoured to rebuild and fortify their communities, consolidating their power and reaffirming their commitment to safeguarding their territory from future threats. Yet, the scars of war run deep, and the memory of their bitter rivalry with the Ashoqa serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring cost of conflict in their quest for survival and supremacy in the unforgiving wilderness of Northern Pescara.