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Floating Drakus

Floating Drakus


Current status:


Intelligence grade:


Lifespan ( Sols ):







Floating Drakus

floating dray-kuss









First discovered:

4th era


In the sun-drenched lands of Kharkouri, nestled south of Tyrrius, there exists a delightful little creature known as the Floating Drakus. These charming beings, resembling a curious amalgamation of crabs and spiders, have captured the hearts and imaginations of the Kharkouri people, becoming beloved symbols of their homeland.

Floating Drakus possess a unique and fascinating physiology, with crab-like bodies adorned with sleek, near-invisible wings that shimmer like gossamer in the sunlight. While unable to achieve sustained flight, these ethereal wings enable the Drakus to perform remarkable leaps, propelling themselves up to 15 feet into the air with astonishing agility and grace.

Utilizing their invisible wings to appear as though they are floating, the Drakus descend back to the land below them, their movements resembling a delicate dance as they navigate their surroundings with unparalleled finesse. This aerial acrobatics not only serves as a means of transportation but also allows them to work together in large groups, scanning the terrain for potential predators and ensuring their collective safety.

Floating Drakus are highly social creatures, traveling in vast swarms numbering up to 100 individuals at a time. They stick close together, moving as one cohesive unit to maximize their chances of survival in the harsh and unforgiving wilderness of Kharkouri. While generally docile and non-aggressive, Floating Drakus possess a remarkable instinct for self-preservation, fleeing from predators at the first sign of danger.

However, should their numbers be threatened, Floating Drakus will instinctively band together and fight back in a display of collective bravery and unity. Their coordinated efforts and sheer numerical advantage make them formidable opponents, capable of warding off even the most determined of attackers through sheer force of numbers and very sharp pointed legs that they use to pierce enemies when they can.

Cultural Significance:
In Kharkouri culture, Floating Drakus hold a special place of reverence, their whimsical appearance and gentle demeanour endearing them to the hearts of the local populace. Referenced in legend and stories passed down through generations, these delightful creatures are celebrated as symbols of friendship, harmony, and resilience.

The symbol of the Floating Drakus adorns the banners, flags, and emblems of the Kharkouri people, serving as a proud representation of their homeland and the values they hold dear. Additionally, emblematic jewellery shaped like Floating Drakus is treasured by both locals and visitors alike, serving as cherished keepsakes and tokens of good fortune.

The Floating Drakus of Kharkouri are more than just creatures of the wild; they are beloved companions and cherished symbols of unity and community. With their endearing charm and remarkable resilience, these delightful beings continue to enchant and inspire all who encounter them, weaving themselves into the rich tapestry of Kharkouri culture and identity.

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