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Papilion International

Papilion International
butterfly papilion

Operations - Numbers - Services

0ver 26,000 agents

advanced tech deployment

operations in over 180 countries

free of government bureaucracy

independant of allegiance

over 90,000 successful ops

built-in agent failsafes

intelligence protection assured


  Papilion International are a multi-national organisation that operates without government bureaucracy. We remain independent of all forms of government and take no sides. Papilion shares no ties with individual groups or organisations, and operate solely as per client request.​


  Our services include mercenary and assassination work. Our strengths in economic warfare are unparalleled, and our methods of accomplishment are second to known. 

Low-level assassination

HVT ( High Value targets )

Intelligence gathering

Intelligence mining

HVT protection

HVT transportation

Economic warfare

Black Hat Operations

Economic retention services

P a p i l i o n

  Our greatest strength lies in our unwavering commitment to being both politically neutral and ethically amoral. We do not accept contract work that is detrimental to our core beliefs outlined further below.

butterfly papilion

Detailed Information

Low-Level Assassination

Assassination of government officials, parliamentary members, high-level and high-profile individuals and the world's movers and shakers. All assassinations carried out to the determined, and agreed set of instructions. All assassinations conducted at discretion of agency operative unless otherwise agreed.

High Value Targets

As above. High level targets can also be surveilled. Intelligence, kidnapping, and interrogation options. Bag and tag options are agreed fully, as per the desire of the client.

Whilst we do not take sides, we utilise our relations with many of the worlds leading intelligence agencies. We source the information you need via a plethora of high-tech options and boots on the ground.

Intelligence Gathering

In addition to intelligence gathering, we offer a complimentary mining service that allows you to access the required information in a quick and timely manner, based on specified key parameters

Intelligence Mining

High Value Target Protection

We can also offer protection services to all HVT's. Government officials, presidents, senior military and shadow government personnel. Protection services include clean sweeps, intelligence and comms protection, wire and bug protection and more. Details discussed in advance of operation.

High Value Target Transportation

We can ensure full protection during relocation of individuals, groups, and HVT's. Armoured car and high-end security detail as standard, ensuring safe transportation of package.

Economic Warfare

Economic warfare strategy planning and development, with additional option of assignment fulfillment. Nation destabilisation is a specialty. Deployment of economic blockades, and society gaslighting.

Black Hat Ops and Economic Retention Services.

Black Hat Operations and Economic Retention services are available. Additional precautionary measures must be taken. Requires clearance code: RAMESES

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