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The Creator: Stephen Purdon

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Stephen Purdon

 I write science fiction, fantasy stories, poetry, and philosophical works. My science fiction and fantasy stories feature huge conflicts with complexities that match. The characters you will find in these books are multi-layered, living, breathing personalities. I place great significance on reflection of the real world around us and try to demonstrate the many conundrums, trials, and tribulations that many of us face in the reality around us.


I have been planning and preparing for the launch of my debut series known as Anarkand, for the best part of 9 years. The Anarkand series is absolutely huge. I define this as a new era of science fiction. This series centres on what would happen if another world, not too dissimilar to our own, was heading straight for us.


Feel free to get in touch with any questions, comments or to find out more about Stephen. Use the contact form below, contact me through my social media, or by sending an email directly.

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