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Media Kit

Media Kit

Media kit for Stephen Purdon. Anarkand trademark, logo, characters, books and indicia © & TM Stephen Purdon


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Inspirations in life: ​His father William, and his daughter Lianara.

​Last Updated: November 13th, 2022 - Original Published Date May 15, 2021

Who is Stephen Purdon?

Stephen Purdon is a Scottish-born author, psychologist in-training, and philosopher who begun writing and forging the path for the Anarkand Experience in 2019. He is best known for his episodic works on the Anarkand Story.

Early Life

Stephen was born in Glasgow, Scotland, on September 22nd 1984. As a child, he was fascinated by cosmology, and the potential of worlds beyond the Earth. Interest in these topics as a child, meant that he focussed a lot of ettention into learning as many new things as possible with regard to ancient mysteries and occultic practices.

​​ At about eight years of age, his father took him to the local library and encouraged him to look at the mystery section, whereby he chose a book about the Nazca lines. This book opened up an unending thirst for knowledge and understanding.

This thirst has never been quenched, and to this day, he continues to learn and study the world around him. He began to see things more clearly, eventually surpassing those whose idealogies set the stage for esoteric learning and occultic practices in the beginning.

​ By the age of 12 he had begun his journey into computers and technology and found himself to be more at home sitting in front of a small screen day and night, discovering cool new things vicariously through others work and experiences.

This led him to uncover a few secrets that he perhaps shouldn't have. In school, he was considered very introverted and bookish, yet his teachers always claimed he hid his smarts behind foolish behaviour, a claim he agrees with and states was something he did to try and fit in.



At age 16, in 2000, Stephen accepted a position at Compaq Computers and begun working his way through many different I.T hardware and software programs, gaining an excellent foundation which he built upon years later.

When the acquisition of Compaq Computers by Hewlett Packard took effect, Stephen left the company to explore further I.T training and achieved no less than 5 further qualifications, as well as being awarded a Microsoft Global Merit award in 2004 for a worldwide network configuration change.​

​ In 2014, he attained a life coaching qualification alongside mystery school awards, all of which he looks back on as a darker period of his studies into the unknown, believing they taught dated concepts, false belief systems, and lies. The only mystery in these schools, he believed, were how they could peddle such trash to those intrigued in learning the occult.

​ Stephen also completed a business studies course, as well as tv production and graphics, and sound engineering course at college before turning his eye back to the wonders of the world and the experiences he had as a child. It was time for him to build a better future based on what he had learned from the hidden world.​

In 2018, Stephen took a decision to remove himself from the mainstream world to focus on teaching others about themselves and how to manipulate and control the human emotion engine, declaring that the majority of people on Earth are being controlled and dictated to by their own minds and body, rather than their truest selves taking control of them.​ He is currently working towards a degree in Forensic Psychology.


The Anarkand Experience ​ ​

Stephen began crafting the Anarkand universe using his technological mind, learned knowledge of the occult, and information he had gathered over the years. Initially these started out as online games, books, and fun adventure type games for his friends and guests.

However, he realised after a few years, that these stories deserved a greater audience, a global one, and so he begun the arduous task of planning and writing for such an audience.

The Anarkand story takes many real-world concepts and fits them into the occultic uncoverings of Stephen's research and communications from when he was younger. The future will be written and the works will peak for themselves. There is a hidden hand operating in the world around us and the Anarkand story tells much about it.

​ ​ Personal Life ​​ ​

Stephen has never married. The furthest he ventured was an engagement in 2011 to his long-term partner at the time. He has a daughter who he has raised on his own as a single father and credits her with keeping him firmly grounded.

Non-profit Work ​​ ​

The future cornerstone of Stephen's work will centre around the many initiatives of the charity he aims to launch in the next few years. These include the #humanbeinghuman initiative, the loneliness support network and single parent support hub. His Modus Operandi would be to educate people on how to take back control of their mind and body and use them to better themselves in the greater world whilst helping those who have succumbed to the false economical constructs of geographical laws.

Too many people suffer from homelessness in a world full of abundance. We have the tools, the space, and the resources. Too many talented and creative people do not have the funds, friends, or connections to share their abilities with the rest of us, despite the advancements in technology.

Stephen's main aim is to connect these people with one another, and establish a huge non-corporate machine of imagination, creativity, and global change.

He is driven to find the very best in creative talents and intellect, as well as problem-solvers, in order to develop a system that protects the integrity of the human race. He believes it is important for strong foundations to be laid for platforms to be built upon, that allows this connectedness to accomplish great things.

Each and every one of us deserves to be happy. This is all that he strives to achieve.

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