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prophetia novem
Through the forests of the ancient tribes,
She will be born. A leader, a guide, a teacher, and a great healer.
She will lead her peoples by
prophetia octingenti
The faceless general will be commissioned by the mind of the maniacal.
He will leave his post, his orders no longer valid to him or his army
prophetia septem
Those that were benevolent to the less equipped,
Would learn soon enough, that gratitude was not forthcoming.
Those they chased out would de
prophetia sex
The bird of prey flying to the left, toying with the small bird on the right.
They will soon be aware, that there are predators even for the
prophetia quinque
Time is against them, they lacked consensus, thus they arrive too late.
The message they were to convey, now lost to the annals of time.
prophetia quattuor
In the world there will be great chaos, am uprising from the populace
There will be famine, war, controlled poverty, and domination.
No equa
prophetia tribus
On the day when the two bears cross paths,
A fiery chasm appears at the altar.
The snake commands those who hear its voice.
After many years
prophetia duo
The ninth planet spills the blood of its own.
Great wars are heard throughout the planes of the universe.
The believers hail the conclusion
prophetia unum
There will soon be talk of the return of the founder,
A powerful man who rules after a short time.
He will hasten the progress of the flock
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